Rapid urbanization across the Globe has exponentially expanded this industry. On a regular basis, real estate owners, realtors, and other real estate professionals have to deal with the huge data coming from different sources. The data may include Sale Deed, Warranty Deed, Mortgage Deed, sales and commission information, Legal files, etc. Our skill-full data entry specialists provide niche services on all these areas.
- In the transfer or sale of residential real estate, a deed conveys ownership from the old owner (the grantor) to the new owner (the grantee), and this include various warranties. A deed in which the seller guarantees that the property title is clear back to its origins and that should the title fail, the seller will compensate the buyer for losses is called a Warranty Deed. Warranty deeds are identified by various instrument types, such as, Warranty Deed, Indenture, Bargain and Sale Deed, General Warranty Deed, Deed.
All mortgages are recorded by the county clerk. These documents are identified by various instrument types, such as, Deed to Secure Debt, Trust Deed, Land Contract, Deed of Trust, Security Deed or a Mortgage.
- Unlike the warranty deed quit claim deed is used to transfer the title of the property within the family, E.g. husband to wife or husband and wife to children etc.
- Probate records are created at the time of an individual’s death and are the legal records associated with the dividing up of a deceased person’s property. These records might include information about an individual’s financial situation and assets, their occupation, the names of their heirs and other family members.
A process that allows a lender to recover the amount owed on a defaulted loan by selling or taking ownership (repossession) of the property securing the loan. The foreclosure process begins when a borrower/owner defaults on loan payments (usually mortgage payments) and the lender files the necessary documents to begin the foreclosure
- Person name, parents’ names, address, date of birth/ death, place of birth/ date, nature of death
- Owner, address, cost of construction, Architect’s name, permit Date and number, site map
- Individuals who purchased a property within the family
- We provide a list of Property owner/ borrower, Lender/ grantee, loan amount, property address, loan date, etc
An assignment of mortgage is a transfer of the mortgage debt and conveyance of the legal estate of the mortgagee in the mortgaged property. It vests the debt and estate in the assignee, together with all the rights, powers and remedies of the mortgage. The assignor is the mortgagee who is disposing of the mortgage.
A Satisfaction of Judgment or Release and Satisfaction is a legal document that shows that the plaintiff has been paid all that he or she is owed, based upon the original judgment against the defendant
A lis pendens is a written notice that a lawsuit has been filed concerning real estate, involving either the title to the property or a claimed ownership interest in it. Recording a lis pendens against a piece of property alerts a potential purchaser or lender that the property’s title is in question, which makes the property less attractive to a buyer or lender.
- A notice which is used to send to a borrower of a property as security under a deed of trust that defaults the payment. If the delinquency, plus costs of preparing the legal papers for the default, is not paid within a certain time, foreclosure proceedings are commenced.
Owner, address, cost of construction, Architect’s name, permit Date and number, site map.
- A construction permit or building permit is a permit required in most jurisdictions for new construction or adding onto pre-existing structures, and in some cases for major renovations.
- We provide current multiple property owners’ details.
- Based on the Owner Name / Property address/ Parcel ID/ Legal description we search appropriate Mortgage/ Deed of Trust/ Warranty Deed/ Judgment/ Notice of Default/ Lis-pendens/ Action/ Assignment of Rent/ Assignment of Lease documents.
- Individuals who purchased a property within the family
- We provide a list of Property owner/ borrower, Lender/ grantee, loan amount, property address, loan date, etc
In the transfer or sale of residential real estate, a deed conveys ownership from the old owner (the seller) to the new owner (the buyer), and this include various warranties. A deed in which the seller guarantees that the property title is clear back to its origins and that should the title fail, the seller will compensate the buyer for losses is called a Deed.
Deeds are identified by various instrument types such as, Administrator’s Deed, Condominium Deed, Conservator’s Deed, Conveyance Deed, Deed, Deed in Lieu of Foreclosure, Executer Deed, Fiduciary
Deed, Grant Deed, Personal Representative Deed, Quit Claim Deed, Tax Collector Deed, Trustee’s Deed, Warranty Deed, Bargain and Sale Deed, General Warranty Deed, Special warranty deed, Transfer of Death deed, Redemption Deeds, Condo Unit, Guardian deed, Committee deed, Sheriffs deed.
Mortgage is a loan secured by property, such as a home. When you take out a mortgage, the lender registers an interest in, or a charge on, your property. This means the lender has a legal right to take your property
A notice which is used to send to a borrower of a property as security under a deed of trust that defaults the payment. If the delinquency, plus costs of preparing the legal papers for the default, is not paid within a certain time, foreclosure proceedings are commenced.